HoN Empath Guide, Build & Strategy

HoN Empath Guide, Build & Strategy. The next hero on the Heroes of Newerth is already on development. She will be a ranged hero with Intelligence-based attribute. S2Games said that she is a support hero, called the Empath. Stay tune for all the information about the Empath.

Empath Skill
Coming Soon!

Empath Skill Build
Coming Soon!

Empath Item Build
Coming Soon!

Hero Spotlight

Got any information about Empath which not yet placed in this post? Share it on the comment section! :)

Update: Check out the Empath Preview!

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5 Responses to “HoN Empath Guide, Build & Strategy”

  1. [...] just got Empath‘s preview and teaser from S2Games. They make a short clip that show a little hint about [...]

  2. MeeT says:

    oh….ashe…with a rod?

  3. BPK says:

    Hey, To be honest i find this guide from MsPudding and Nigma quite shitty, sorry but i just do.. what to build and focus on is primary:

    FOCUS YOUR LIFESTEAL! if you cant lifesteal, FOCUS YOUR WALL!
    after we got that settled: items to buy:
    Start –>

    1 x Ward
    4 x Mana potions
    1 x Crushing Claw
    1 x the intellect necklace.

    When you got the gold from your lane ( dont lasthit, deny and harass ) get the last piece for Blood Chalice, when you got it go for a Striders.
    Next is Hellflower, but by this you start actually with all 3 arcana on same time, buy getting 3 x Apprentice’s Robe, then you get 1 piece of the mana regen, then you end up 1 of the arcanas, when done just get another mana regen and the last piece for both of the arcanas.
    after you got Hellflower, i personally like getting a fully upgraded Spellshards.
    after Spellshards, get a FROSTFIELD PLATE!! yes you heard right, it CAN be used while you’re on the back of your hardest carry!. use it to hit as many as possible, eventually try to mix up your lifedrain on someone having more movement speed than the one your inside got, and as soon as you notice your life drain to run out ( due to the stun ) use Faster ( Shortcut E! ) and their done. if your in a jungle try to get a block up with a wall, RIGHT in front of the enemy, so their forced to faceroll backwards into you ( remember that your wall actually deals 50 dmg per sec ). get a bound eye, as your the one staying the most alive ( sick lifesteal, ” double life ” as they gotta kill your carry before they can reach to you, only get BE if they got invises ofc. ) the rest of the items is very depending on their setup, ) remember to get a stormspirit and pickle out their hardest carry first. rest of the items is what you feel like you want, maybe get some survivability if you find yourself in a trouble of surviving etc. etc. Add me in-game if you wanna chat about Empath. :)

  4. Sinloth says:

    This is an awesome hero. Can’t get enough playing her. Her versatility and usefulness are just amazing.

  5. Simplejack says:

    I dont fully agree with the item build that u recomment on empath.. i mean why go spellshards ???? its used for hard magic dmg nukers not for support heroes like empath totally useless. Get as u said stormspirit, astrolabe for support ur carry and if u got the money at that time (which is unlikely), get frostfield/kuldras etc. you know cc items that will leave ur carry more undisturbed, and thereby increasing his killing.


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