HoN Flint Beastwood Guide, Flint Beastwood Build & Flint Beastwood Strategy. Flint Beastwood will be introduced on the next HoN patch, Hon Patch 1.0.9. He is the direct port of Kardel the Dwarven Sniper in DotA. Flint Beastwood will be the latest addition to the Hellbourne’s Agility heroes.
Flint Beastwood is described as a “bad-tempered, dual wielding gunslinger”, excels at pushing towers, providing sight for his team, and has the longest attack range than other hero on HoN. This post will updated with Flint Beastwood skill description, stats and strategy.
Here are the sneak peek of the Flint Beastwood skills. Please note that the name is not yet final..
* Flare: Fire a flare at a position, dealing damage and leaving a slow-burning glow that slows enemies and provides sight. Equal to Scattershot at DotA.
* Sharpshooter: Passively deal extra damage and a mini-stun on occasion. Equal to Headshot at DotA.
* Long Barrel: Passively increases attack range. Equal to Take Aim at DotA.
* Focused Fire: After taking time to line a shot, Flint fires at a faraway enemy, dealing critical damage. Equal to Assasinate at DotA.
[...] 1.0.9 Patch is scheduled to release this Friday. The patch will bring Flint Beastwood into the game. This post will updated with the latest news of Heroes of the Newerth [...]