HoN Silhouette Guide, Build & Strategy


HoN Silhouette Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games is preparing another hero on their sleeves. This time, it will be a female ranged agility hero. She will be a ninja and shadow is her weapon.

HoN Nomad Guide, Build & Strategy

HoN Nomad

HoN Nomad Guide, Build & Strategy. PCGamer has been given the luxury to try the latest HoN heroes, Nomad the traveler. His skill is original and nowhere from DotA heroes port. Skill coming up soon!

HoN Tremble Guide, Build & Strategy

HoN Tremble

HoN Tremble Guide, Build & Strategy. Tremble teaser has just posted in the HoN Forums by the S2 Staff. There’s no other information other than the poster above. But hey, that what it makes more exciting right?

HoN Aluna Guide, Build & Strategy

HoN Aluna

HoN Aluna Guide, Build & Strategy. Aluna will be the next Intelligence hero on the Heroes of Newerth. She will be an addition on the Legion heroes pool. S2Games will include this hero on the next friday patch! Stay tune for all the information about the Aluna.

HoN 2.0.11 Patch Changelogs & Download


HoN 2.0.11 patch just released. Empath has come! You can check the image above for the detail changelogs. Some other interesting changes are Beardulon has been renamed to Booboo. Check out the below link for download the patch.

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