Balphagore has just introduced on the HoN 3.6 Patch. He is a strength hero with melee range. His first skill allow him to do AoE damaging slow and let him eat corpse on the same time. His second skill can target a unit with a kind of disease which will silences and damages and could spreads to nearby units.
Balphagore Guide HoN, Build & Strategy
Heroes Of Newerth Patch Released!
The HoN 3.6 Patch has just came out. On the latest Heroes Of Newerth Patch, S2Games added a new hero, Balphagore, a melee hero with strength attribute. To play him, select the ‘dev’ box when you start a game. Check out the Heroes Of Newerth Patch details on the list below:
Free Heroes of Newerth on Garena
After a moment ago S2Games has announced the beta is closed and start selling the retail instead, we no longer can play HoN for free. However, if you live on South Asia, S2Games is making an exception and allow you to play without paying. This is possible because they have make an agreement with Garena. With this agreement, Garena will include Heroes Of Newerth on their platform and provide free clients.
Heroes Of Newerth Patch ChangeLog
Heroes Of Newerth Patch for the Beta has just released by S2Games. Some heroes got altered, especially Fayde. Check out the HoN Patch changelog below before you start playing them.
Heroes Of Newerth Patch | HoN 3.5.0 Changelog:
Heroes of Newerth Blog is Opened!
This blog will cover anything about Heroes of Newerth, a stand alone Dota-like game which is developed by S2Games. Any news, guide and strategy about Heroes of Newerth will be placed in this blog.
If you have any suggestion and want to contribute for this blog, feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy the blog!