HoN 1.0.7 Patch Changelogs & Update

HoN 1.0.7 Patch released with an additional hero. This time, it’s Storm Spirits turn which is ported into Doctor Repulsor. Some other changes also been made and hopefully it will make you love this game more. Let’s check what’s new on Heroes of the Newerth 1.0.7

Dota 6.68 and HoN

I think most of you must already know that Dota 6.68 has just released and contains many changes. And, we already aware that DotA is greatly affect HoN. Now the only remain is a question, will HoN apply the new Gold System and Captain Mode on their next patch? It’s interesting to see :)

HoN Doctor Repulsor Guide, Build & Strategy

HoN Doctor Repulsor Guide, Doctor Repulsor Build & Doctor Repulsor Strategy. Doctor Repulsor will likely introduced on the Hon Patch 1.0.7. He will be the direct port of the Storm Spirit from Dota-Allstars. Storm Spirit is a intelligence range hero on the Heroes of Newerth. This post will updated with Doctor Repulsor skill description, stats and strategy.

HoN Patch Changelog & Update

HoN Patch is just a quick patch which fix the Gladiator voice. So, nothing much to add here..

- Gladiator Voice

HoN 1.0.6 Patch Changelog & Update

HoN 1.0.6 Patch fix a lot of bugs that happen in the HoN 1.0.5 Patch which introduce the Gladiator. Let’s check out the Heroes of the Newerth 1.0.6

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