HoN Plague Rider Guide, Plague Rider Build & Plague Rider Strategy. Plague Rider is a ranged Intelligence hero that belong to Hellbourne in the Heroes of Newerth. This post is contains HoN Plague Rider skill description, stats and strategy.
The pestilential stench of the Plague Rider can be smelled for miles, a foul warning of the diseases following in its wake. Mounted atop his undead steed, carried aloft on a stinking cloud of flies, the Plague Rider sows sickness among friends and enemies alike, all with the end of spreading disease across the lands of Newerth.
Plague Rider Stats
Attack Type Ranged
Attack Damage 42 – 51
Attack Range 550
Movement Speed 305
Strength 18
Agility 15
Intelligence 18
Strength per level 1.55
Agility per level 1.8
Intelligence per level 3.25
Armor 1.1
MagicArmor 5.5
Plague Rider Spells & Skills
The Plague Rider instantly afflicts an enemy with a Contagion, damaging and Infecting all nearby enemies.
Type: Magic
Range: 600
Cast Time: 1.1 Seconds
Mana Cost: 125 / 150 / 170 / 190
Cooldown: 9.3 Seconds
Deals 50 / 100 / 125 / 175 Magic damage to the target and an additional 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 to all enemies within 200 units.
Infected Effects
30% Movement Slow
-20 Attack Speed
Cursed Shield
Places a Cursed Shield on an ally, granting them increased armor and causing any enemy who attack them to become infected.
Type: Magic
Range: 800
Cast Time: 1.1 Seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 10.0 Seconds
Applies Cursed Shield to target for 40 seconds.
Cursed Shield Effects
3 / 6 / 9 / 12 Armor
Infected Effects
30% Movement Slow
-20 Attack Speed
The Plague Rider ends the life of an allied unit instantly, restoring his own mana. His mount enjoys the snack and feeds off the destruction he caused.
Type: Magic Transfigure
Range: 400
Cast Time: 1.1 Seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 55.0 / 50.0 / 45.0 / 40.0 Seconds
Kills the target unit and converts 15 / 30 / 45 / 60% of its current life into mana for the Rider.
Target grants no experience to enemy heroes.
Plague Rider Ultimate
Plague Carrier
The Plague Rider lets loose a Plague Carrier towards an enemy. The Carrier deals damage to the target it lands on before traveling to another nearby target. Any enemy near someone hit becomes Infected.
Type: SuperiorMagic
Range: 750
Cast Time: 1.1 Seconds
Mana Cost: 200 / 325 / 500
Cooldown: 145.0 / 115.0 / 60.0 Seconds
Deals 280 / 370 / 460 damage to the target, bouncing to another enemy within 600 units. Bounces 7 times.
This ability can be boosted by Staff of the Master.
Staff Effect: Increases damage from {280,370,460} to {370,460,550}.
Infected Effects
30% Movement Slow
-20 Attack Speed
Plague Rider Item Build
Coming Soon!
Plague Rider Skill Build
Coming Soon!
Plague Rider Strategy
Coming Soon!
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