HoN Emerald Warden Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games will add another hero in this friday, Emerald Warden.
HoN Emerald Warden Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games will add another hero in this friday, Emerald Warden.
HoN Parasite Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games has just added another Intelligence hero into the Hellbourne pool, Parasite.
HoN Amun Ra Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games has just added another strength hero, Amun Ra.
HoN Martyr Guide, Build & Strategy. Another support hero is on the S2Games sleeve.The Martyr ability seems can protect and heal his allies, a truly support hero.
HoN Flux Guide, Build & Strategy. S2Games new heroes is already on the tip of the tongue. The new hero somehow resembles Ironman, what kind of skill does he have?